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Starseed Me?

A few years ago,  I was having a Cranial Sacral Treatment with my friend Michelle Barrett.

During these treatments I have often taken homeopathic remedies to enhance the experience. Homeopathy and Cranial are known to be very compatible.... so why not try it out?

This particular day, I had taken Lac Caninum 1M (Dogs Milk). 


In the past, with this same remedy (Dogs Milk) I'd taken a journey into the underworld.

Through a blackened out shanty town, past the dogs of Cerberus, to find my inner child like a glowing pink jelly fish in a buried treasure chest. After wrapping it carefully and getting back over the river Styx, I met my friend Michelle who threw a warming velvet cloak over my shoulders. Together we climbed up to a ridge and we saw below us a great celebration taking place.

It was a party for finding my inner child. There was an orchard of beautifully lit trees with all my soul family waiting to welcome me home. I would have never imagined this so I knew it to be true.


So during the next treatment/journey taking Dogs Milk, I had just started to relax and a funny experience came over me. I could see and feel that my human skin/fat suit, was being slowly zipped down from my throat over my torso. Underneath it was blue iridescent skin.​ Wow that was an eye opener! Michelle asked me what was going on and I told her that I was blue.

Then we laughed as she asked me what my feet looked like? Scaly I said. It was hilarious!

The whole experience was lucid, I wasn't in a trance state at all. I dowsed myself straight away to find out which planet I was from and the Sirian Star System came up as a positive confirmation.

So the Sirian Star System....The dog Star....And I had taken Dogs Milk as a remedy!

The universe works in mysterious ways....That's when I started to explore remedies and star origins.

My background has always been a fairly cosmic one. My parents were part of a spiritual group in London (1970s) who received teachings from a channelled ancient Taoist Chinese sage called Chung Fu. Chung Fu was the teacher of Stuart WIlde and many teachers who started the New Age Movement. These teachings were told to me when I was very young. So my spiritual view on things has always been other. As a child I investigated further ideas via reading New Age and spiritual  books. By my late 20's I had come across the the Seth Materials and I was told by a medium that I needed to know this cosmic information for a later date.  

To me discovering I am from Sirius was almost normal in the sense that it felt very familiar and true.  A wave of relief came over me and I understood why I had never felt at home here on Earth. Now I find working and connecting with Starseeds has brought me joy and purpose. We need each others skills to navigate being here and so I am dedicated to this work.


I have come to believe that Homeopathy is originally from another star system and sent to help us here on Terra. There are also benevolent spirits that guide this miraculous medicine, as I have watched many amazing healings and happenings occur over the years. My experience has shown that by connecting to source and with the power of intention there are limitless possibilities. 

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